Memory Verses
“The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”
1 Samuel 16:7 (NIV)
Trust in the Lord with all your heart.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Memory Verses
“The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”
1 Samuel 16:7 (NIV)
Trust in the Lord with all your heart.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Lesson's Big Idea David seemed the least likely of all Jesse’s sons to be picked as King, being the youngest and the smallest. God told Samuel that it wasn’t about the outside of a person, but the inside that mattered. He looks at the HEART of a person, their love, intentions and willingness to follow His commands. David was a man after God’s own heart and, therefore, was chosen to be the future King of Israel. |
Lesson's Big Idea
COURAGE is doing something that seems too hard, impossible or scary. David was just a small boy and not experienced in battle, but he was COURAGEOUS and decided to fight Goliath. Goliath was enormous and a great warrior. He scared all of the soldiers in Saul’s army. David beating Goliath in battle was definitely a miracle and it only happened because David was COURAGEOUS and listened to God. Just like David, we need to listen to God and believe that He will protect us, even during scary times. When we show COURAGE for Him, God will protect us. We need to listen to the Lord and stand up to our fears and be COURAGEOUS because we know that God is always with us. |
Lesson's Big Idea
David was LOYAL to God and to the king of Israel, Saul. Even though the king was extremely unfair to David, he continued to show him LOYALTY by completing every task he was given. David did everything to honor God and the king. David’s LOYALTY caused him to be successful in battle and resulted in the people of Israel loving him. Live It Have you ever been in a situation where it was difficult to be LOYAL to a person? Maybe a friend at school made fun of you or you were falsely accused by a parent or teacher. Even though it might seem too hard to be LOYAL to someone that has wronged you, God calls us to follow David’s example and show them LOYALTY. David continued to honor the king, even though he was treated unfairly. David listened to God and honored Him in everything and God blessed him. This is not always easy, but with God’s help you too can be LOYAL. |
Lesson's Big Idea Many people showed FRIENDSHIP to David because they saw that he was a good man. They trusted him and cared for him. Even when King Saul was trying to attack David, Michal and Jonathan, Saul’s own children, were FRIENDS with David. They stood up for David and helped him escape Saul’s anger. God protected David by surrounding him with people who cared for him. This is not always easy, but with God’s help you too can be LOYAL. |
Lesson's Big Idea
David lied to Ahimelech about his reason for needing food and weapons for his men. David told the priest he was on a secret mission for King Saul, when in reality he was running away from the king. The CONSEQUENCE of this lie was that Ahimelech and all of the other priests were put to death. When David learned about the CONSEQUENCES of his actions, he felt very sad. David knew his lie caused Ahimelech and the other priests to suffer. Live It When we tell a lie, cheat on a test or are mean to a friend, other people may be hurt. David found out that his bad choices had harmful CONSEQUENCES on others. David’s lie seemed to have made his life better, but it was wrong and caused pain to Ahimelech and all of the other priests. God wants us to make the choice to do what is right and to consider the consequences our choices might have on others. This week, when you feel that it would be easier to tell a lie, cheat or be mean to another person, think about how your actions could affect other people, especially our relationship with God! |
Lesson's Big Idea
Despite all that King Saul had tried to do to David, David would not harm Saul. David was chased throughout the land, running for his life everyday and still David would not harm the king even when he had the chance. Instead, David chose to honor God and show Saul MERCY. David knew that he could not kill the man that God chose to be King of the Israelites. David listened to God and did the right thing by showing him MERCY and sparing his life. Live It Showing MERCY to someone who has hurt you is not easy. David listened to God and, therefore, was able to show MERCY to a man who was trying to have him killed. David had the opportunity to take the easy way out and kill King Saul himself, but he decided to show him MERCY and not get him back. This week, if you run into someone who has been mean to you, instead of being mean back, think of how you can show them MERCY. Just like David, we need to love and respect those who have hurt us. We need to listen to God and love others even when they do not deserve it. |
Lesson's Big Idea
David wanted to take the Ark of God back to Jerusalem his own way the first time. He did not OBEY God’s directions on how to transport the Ark of God. Rather, David decided he would disobey God and take the Ark of God to Jerusalem on a cart. David’s disobedience caused Uzzah to die and delayed the mission by three months. However, once David obeyed God and handled the Ark of God in the manner that God wanted him too, David and his entire family were blessed. Live It Have you ever been told to do a job a certain way and then decided not to listen and do it your own way? Have your parents ever asked you to clean your room and you decided to throw everything under the bed or in the closet? Well, God wants us to OBEY others completely! This means when a parent asks you to do something or a teacher at school gives you an assignment, God expects us to follow directions completely. Remember, God knows us from the inside out and knows our attitude when completing a project. He wants us to OBEY those He has put in charge of us. This week, when you are asked to do a job, remember that God wants you to complete it with a positive attitude and OBEY the directions to the fullest. |
Lesson's Big Idea
David was DEPENDABLE to his friend, Jonathan. He decided to honor his promise by allowing his son, Mephibosheth, to come live with him and his family. Being DEPENDABLE like this was not done during these times. It was extremely unusual to bring a relative of someone who had tried for many years to kill you into your own family, but God wants us to follow this example of David. He knew it was important to serve his friend and he treated Jonathan’s son as one of his own. Live It Have you ever made a promise to someone that was difficult to keep? Maybe you told your parents that one day you would help with the backyard or maybe you told a friend that you would help them with their homework. Well, God wants us to be DEPENDABLE to others like David was to Jonathon. This week, think of the promises that you might have made to others. Also, think of how you can be DEPENDABLE by fulfilling these promises. Remember, God wants us to honor our promises and be DEPENDABLE. |
Lesson's Big Idea
David made a bad choice. Nathan confronted David with the wrong things he had done. This caused David to feel very sorry and to REPENT from his sins. The Lord forgave him. The hard part of bad choices is even though we REPENT, there are still consequences for our behavior. Live It Have you ever had a friend who was making some really bad choices? Did you do anything to stop it? God wants us to help others make good choices. This week really listen to God and see if there is someone you can help. Also, if you have made any bad choices, remember God wants us to REPENT of our own sins. Take the time to ask God to forgive you of your sins and He will! |
Lesson's Big Idea
David was a man after God’s own heart. This resulted in God choosing him to be king of Israel and to be remembered forever. Even though David made some bad choices, God did not look at the outside – God looked at David’s inside, his HEART. God decided to have His own son, Jesus, be of David’s family. This was the greatest honor David could have ever been given. His name would be remembered forever and God’s own Son would be from his family. Even though David made some bad choices, God still used him and blessed him. Remember, man looks on the outside of a person, but God looks on the inside. Live It Have you ever felt that because you made some bad decisions God could never use you? Or have you thought that because of your age or size that God could never accomplish anything great in your life? Well through the life of David, we learned that God has a plan and a purpose for our lives. God used a man who was the youngest in his family, made great friendships, did some wonderful things for others and even made some very bad choices to be King of Israel. The greatest honor of all was that God chose David to be a part of His Son Jesus’ family. God is big enough to use any of us if we are willing to listen to Him. Remember, God looks at the inside, not the outside. This week, try to be a child after God’s own HEART. Listen for His direction, obey Him and trust Him that He has an amazing plan and purpose for your life. |