Owlegories is an animated series that follows a group of student owls as they travel on adventures learning about nature, faith, and God!
Lesson 1 - The Sun - On the first day of class, the students are sent to the desert to find the Illuminator 3000 and learn about how God is like the sun.
Lesson 2 - The Seed - The kids make their way to Yellingstone National Park where they are given clues to discover three elements a seed needs in order to grow, and three ways they can grow in their faith.
Lesson 3 - The Water - Given the task to find the Fountain of Life, the students must work together to find the right path and ultimately learn the three ways God is like water.
Lesson 4 - The Ant - The kids must work together to accomplish their mission and learn three ways followers of Christ should be like the ant.
Lesson 5 - The Fruit - The professor sends the kids to an orchard to discover the fruits of the spirit.
Lesson 6 - The Butterfly - The kids must overcome their fear of bugs as they learn about metamorphosis and the three ways a follower of Christ is like a caterpillar.
Lesson 7 - The Fire - The Professor sends the owls to an ancient refinery to learn about pure gold and discover how God is like fire.
Lesson 8 - The Duck - The class is sent to visit an old friend of Prof. Owlisters in the Loohoosiana Swampland and learn about God’s three great gifts.
Lesson 9 - The Seasons - The students are sent to the season simulator to learn how the life of a believer is like the changing of the seasons.
For more information about Owlegories check out their website or watch Owlegories on Right Now Media.